Wednesday, 3 December 2014

RF Based Wireless Material Handling Robot

In industries, manufacturing units’ etc, in which there is no continuity between the conveyor belts our prototype our robot can be used to make the necessary transfer of goods form one place to another using computer as a remote termainal. For a set of conveyor belts we use only one set of azimuth and elevation co-ordinates. If the goods are placed on the conveyor belt at regular intervals judged by the time required for the arm to make the placement on the second conveyor regular transfer can be achieved. Again the operation is quite simple. We provide the two co-ordinates of the conveyor belt from which the goods have to be transferred. At this time the arm picks up the material from the first conveyor and places it in the second conveyor belt onto which the material has to be placed. This enables the arm to make the placement. Thus continuous transfer of goods between two distant conveyors are achieved.

PIC Microcontroller Board
Optocoupler With Stepper Driver Board
Stepper Power Supply Board.
Mechanical Model
Artificial Intelligence
RF  Wireless TX Module
RF  Wireless RX Module

PIC Microcontroller Board
            This is the board which contains PIC Microcontroller Chip as well as the clock Circuitary, Reset Circuit and Power Supply for the MicroController.

OptoCoupler With Stepper Driver Board.
            The need of Optocoupler is  to isolate the Microcontroller Board form the Stepper Motor to restrict any high voltage to the Microcontroller board.  And this board also contains stepper Driver circuit to amplify the Voltge and to withstand high current because the pulse coming out from the Microcontroller is not tough enough to drive the Motor.

Stepper Power Supply.
            This board contains the power Supply for the stepper motor and relay driver.

Mechanical Model

The mechanical model is built in such a way that the robotic arm holds and an object picks it up and places it in another place.

Artificial Inelligence

            Our robot has some human brain such that it stops whenever it finds an object in front of it, gives an alarm.
Rf Tx and RX Module:
            This module is used to transfer the commands in wireless. The Operatinmg Freq is 433.92 Mhz.

Intelli Voice Controlled Robo – A Hand for the Handicapped (Wheel Chair Automation)

This intellirobo is designed to help the handicapped person who moves on a wheel chair, instead of the handicapped person moves the wheel chair by his hand, the robo will automatically move to a particular direction as dictated by the person. Also the robo will sense the obstacles in front of it and changes the direction automatically.  The details regarding the construction of this robo includes the following
          A prototype model which symbolizes the wheel chair is constructed using the MS Sheet
Master Controller:
          A pic Micro controller will act as a master controller for the movement of the robot.  It is responsible for all the decisions taken by the robot.
Voice Controller:
          A voice said in front of the mic is converted to text by the Voice Recognition HM 2007 and is fed as a input to the controller, so the controller reacts to it.

Electronics Boards

OptoCoupler With Stepper Driver Board.
          The need of Optocoupler is to isolate the Interface Board form the Stepper Motor to restrict any high voltage to the Interface board.  And this board also contains stepper Driver circuit to amplify the Voltage and to withstand high current because the pulse coming out from the Interface is not tough enough to drive the Motor.

Stepper Power Supply.
          This board contains the power Supply for the stepper motor and relay driver.

Sensors for Artifical Intelligence

          The Art of putting some human brain into a Machine is Artificial Intelligence.  Sensors are provided to achieve this task.  For Eg. The robot and position itself when it finds some obstacle in its path, or Flame or hot Materials.

Software Driver in Hitech C

This is a software tool used to control the angular position i.e., to send specified pulses with controlled timing to vary the speed as when and where required.

Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle (Tank Robot)

The reason for developing these kinds of vehicles is ; if a “robot” or “machine” can do something a soldier can do, then there’s no reason to put the soldier into battle. Here’s a situation where tech kills and saves lives at the same time. The vehicle will cut down on deaths and casulties in the war. Even if the autonomous military vehicle(UGCV) replaces a soldier, it must have an extraordinary capability to surmount terrain obstacles as well as survive and recover from impacts with obstacles and unpredictable terrain. They must also be fuel efficient and highly reliable so that they can conduct long missions with minimal logistical support.



          This (UGCV) can be programmed to move to a particular Distance and be able to shoot at a particular target as per the co-ordinates given by the control base.  The complete operation is controlled by using a PIC Microcontroller (PIC 16F877). The commands from the base are received through a RF Wireless Receiver which operates in 433.92 MHZ.  After Receiving a command, it is decoded first (Direction changing command or Firing command) and the actions are taken accordingly.  For firing command the Pointer is first positioned at the target and then initiating the firing sequence. All these movements are controlled using a DC stepper Motor.
Moreover AI (Artificial Intelligence) is also incorporated in the vehicle.  The vehicle can deviate the path if it finds any intruder or obstacles in its path.  It can able to classify the obstacle as a human or just obstacle by employing a PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor).

Nomad Robots for Exploration


A robot is an electro-mechanical device that can perform autonomous or preprogrammed tasks. A robot may act under the direct control of a human (eg. the robotic arm of the space shuttle) or autonomously under the control of a programmed computer. Robots may be used to perform tasks that are too dangerous or difficult for humans to implement directly (e.g. nuclear waste clean up) or may be used to automate repetitive tasks that can be performed with more precision by a robot than by the employment of a human (e.g. automobile production.)

        As of today Robotics is the vast field to explore the things without human intervention. The word robot is used to refer to a wide range of machines, the common feature of which is that they are all capable of movement and can be used to perform physical tasks. Robots take on many different forms, ranging from humanoid, which mimic the human form and way of moving, to industrial, whose appearance is dictated by the function they are to perform. Robots can be grouped generally as mobile robots (eg. autonomous vehicles), manipulator robots (eg. industrial robots) and self reconfigurable robots, which can conform themselves to the task at hand.

Proposed Idea:
        A robot is designed and constructed with associated electronic circuits to move into an unknown location and transport the details of that unknown area to a home place.  The Robot will have inbuilt sensors and cameras to achive this.
  The system is made more useful by introducing artificial intelligence to it. By artificial intelligence, we mean designing the robot is such a manner that in situation which require decision making, the robot identifies the presence of the obstacle, alerts the user and moreover awaits instruction from the user for the further action. Other condition, which the robot can determine, is presence of fire. I.e., high temperature and presence of metals in vicinity.

  This project is divided into modules for better understanding of the circuit.The modules include
PIC Microcontroller Board
Optocoupler With Stepper Driver Board
Stepper Power Supply Board.
Humidity Sensor
Gas Sensor
Intruder Sensor
Fire Sensing Unit
RF Transmitter and RF Receiver

PIC Microcontroller Board
        This is the board which contains PIC Microcontroller Chip as well as the clock Circuitary, Reset Circuit and Power Supply for the MicroController.
OptoCoupler With Stepper Driver Board.
        The need of Optocoupler is  to isolate the Microcontroller Board form the Stepper Motor to restrict any high voltage to the Microcontroller board.  And this board also contains stepper Driver circuit to amplify the Voltge and to withstand high current because the pulse coming out from the Microcontroller is not tough enough to drive the Motor.
Stepper Power Supply.
        This board contains the power Supply for the stepper motor and relay driver.
Humidity Sensor and Gas Sensor:
        Using this sensor, the corresponding parameters are obtained and sent to a home place
Flame Sensor
        An LDR is used as a flame Sensor.  And the output is given to a Digital input of the Controller.   So when the Flame is sensed we can give alarm +Visual Indication and immediately transfer the Message to a nearby Fire Station.

Temperature Sensor

        A Thermistor is  used a Temperature Sensor.  When Over Temperature is detected We can stop the movement of the Model.  Also we can give the Visual +Alarm Indication.

Intruder Sensor

        An Infrared sensor is used as a intruder detector.  So when an intruder is sensed we can redirect the movement of the Model.

RF Transmitter and Receiver:
        This is the wireless media thro which the robot sends information to the home place
Advantages of our Project

        Utilizes High speed embedded controller
        Freedom movement for all  axes.
        Rigid mechanical construction.

Optoisolation for Outputs.

Industrial motors with Gears.

        Artificial inputs like Flame, Obstruction, and Metal detection.
        Wireless Transfer of Data