Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle (Tank Robot)

The reason for developing these kinds of vehicles is ; if a “robot” or “machine” can do something a soldier can do, then there’s no reason to put the soldier into battle. Here’s a situation where tech kills and saves lives at the same time. The vehicle will cut down on deaths and casulties in the war. Even if the autonomous military vehicle(UGCV) replaces a soldier, it must have an extraordinary capability to surmount terrain obstacles as well as survive and recover from impacts with obstacles and unpredictable terrain. They must also be fuel efficient and highly reliable so that they can conduct long missions with minimal logistical support.



          This (UGCV) can be programmed to move to a particular Distance and be able to shoot at a particular target as per the co-ordinates given by the control base.  The complete operation is controlled by using a PIC Microcontroller (PIC 16F877). The commands from the base are received through a RF Wireless Receiver which operates in 433.92 MHZ.  After Receiving a command, it is decoded first (Direction changing command or Firing command) and the actions are taken accordingly.  For firing command the Pointer is first positioned at the target and then initiating the firing sequence. All these movements are controlled using a DC stepper Motor.
Moreover AI (Artificial Intelligence) is also incorporated in the vehicle.  The vehicle can deviate the path if it finds any intruder or obstacles in its path.  It can able to classify the obstacle as a human or just obstacle by employing a PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor).

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