Friday, 28 November 2014

Intelligent Phishing Website Detection System using Fuzzy Techniques

Intelligent Phishing Website Detection System using Fuzzy Techniques


Phishing websites are forged web pages that are created by malicious people to mimic web pages of real websites and it attempts to defraud people of their personal information. Detecting and identifying Phishing websites is really a complex and dynamic problem involving many factors and criteria, and because of the subjective considerations and the ambiguities involved in the detection, Fuzzy Logic model can be an effective tool in assessing and identifying phishing websites than any other traditional tool since it offers a more natural way of dealing with quality factors rather than exact values. In this paper, we present novel approach to overcome the ‘fuzziness’ in traditional website phishing risk assessment and propose an intelligent resilient and effective model for detecting phishing websites. The proposed model is based on FL operators which is used to characterize the website phishing factors and indicators as fuzzy variables and produces six measures and criteria’s of website phishing attack dimensions with a layer structure. Our experimental results showed the significance and importance of the phishing website criteria (URL & Domain Identity) represented by layer one, and the variety influence of the phishing characteristic layers on the final phishing website rate.

Existing System

Phishing is a relatively new Internet crime in comparison with other forms, e.g., virus and hacking. More and more phishing Web pages have been found in recent years in an accelerative way.The word phishing from the phrase “website phishing” is a variation on the word “fishing.” The idea is that bait is thrown out with the hopes that a user will grab it and bite into it just like the fish. In most cases, bait is either an e-mail or an instant messaging site, which will take the user to hostile phishing websites


Unwary Internet users may be easily deceived by this kind of scam. Victims of phishing Web pages may expose their bank account, password, credit card number, or other important information to the phishing Web page owners. The impact is the breach of information security through the compromise of confidential data and the victims may finally suffer losses of money or other kinds.

Proposed system
Phishing website is a very complicate and complex issue to understand and to analyze, since it is joining technical and social problem with each other for which there is no known single silver bullet to solve it entirely. The motivation behind my study is to create a resilient and effective method that uses fuzzy logic to quantify and qualify all the website phishing characteristics and factors in order to detect phishing websites to assess whether phishing activity is taking place or not.

Advantages of Proposed System:
The advantage of the fuzzy approach is that it enables processing of vaguely defined variables, and variables whose relationships cannot be defined by mathematical relationships. Fuzzy logic can incorporate expert human  judgment to define those variable and their relationships.



Hardware Requirements

        Processor           :       Pentium III / IV
        Hard Disk           :       40 GB
        Ram                  :       256 MB
Monitor              :       15VGA Color
        Mouse               :       Ball / Optical
        Keyboard           :       102 Keys

Software Requirements
Operating System:      Windows XP professional
Front End           :       Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2005
Language           :       Visual Basic.Net-2005



                    This project is based on the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) concept where the integration of different departments is the fundamental idea put across. One organization is the co-ordination of the different departments like HR (Human Resource), Accounts, Purchase and Inventory etc. Nowadays every enterprise requires a solution where they can intercommunicate with each other at the end of the day they can come to a conclusive part which will justify the process flow in the organization and that will generate filtered data and the reports which will help the department heads to concentrate more on the decision making process.

                    The present solution is being developed using the .NET technology, which is considered the finest technology to integrate different technologies and platforms. As far as the future enhancement are concerned the application is platform and architecture independent and redeployable and reusable. The project has taken the departmental details in the corresponding modules and has found integration among other modules.

Hardware Specifications:



System type

IBM compatible PC
With 1GHz
IBM compatible PC
With 1GHz
512 MB
256 KB
512 KB
80 GB
120 GB
User Interface
Key Board
Compatible keyboard, mouse
Output media
Printer, Scanner
Printer (For Reports)

Software Specifications:

Application Server

Windows 2000 Server Edition
Visual Studio .net
SQL Server
2. System Analysis

2.1 Existing System
                      Existing system is working as Windows NT 4.0 intranet network and all the systems are using the Microsoft VB (Visual Basic) as the front end. Each module (individual) in the remote system is connected to the main server. The server is installed with oracle 8i RDBMS. The present solutions are using the Client-Server Architecture. There is no three-tier architecture as such. So any requirements changes asked by the company system configuration in terms of the solution architecture as well the business logic has to be changed from the ground as well as lot of alterations. The existing system is not compatible in terms of hardware and software. As the present solution is Microsoft Technology solution is run able on Microsoft platform only.

2.2 Limitations of Existing System

Existing System

                         The system is built using Microsoft technology i.e., Visual Basic and the backend are Oracle 8i. The system is not configurable to run Unix Servers, as Visual Basic is not supported by it.

2.3 Proposed System

                   The network is built on the Windows 2000 Server platform because of security reasons. Along with this Windows 2000 operating system we are using SQL server 2000 and the .net technologies. Here we make use of the with SQL server with which we can implement three-tier architecture. Using we can develop all User Interface application such as form designing, report designing, etc. SQL Server can be used to store the huge amount of data and has higher security of data.

2.4 Advantages of the Proposed System

The application is feasible for the economic as well as the technical advantages it gives. The main advantages are

a)     As the solutions are integrated and developed on the .NET technology, it provides multi functionalities.
b)    The solution is built purely on the .NET technology using the latest version of Visual Studio 1.1. So the solution is platform independent and supports different RDBMS packages.
c)     The Visual Studio 1.1 based solution is defined as the solution for the enterprise wide application where each and every system are integrated on the .NET framework platform for the smooth communication among different technologies and solutions. The present scenario in the market requires the enterprise wide solutions where it should be having the capability of converting itself into web services and for that the provisions of XML (Extendible Mark Up Language) has been introduced.
d)    For the fourth generation Internet users it is good news that our solution is feasible to deploy on the Internet.

Organization Automation

Organization Automation

          The project ahead in the business, an Organization has to retain their market position consistently. To succeed in any business the continuous renovation processes should be imbibed in the organization’s culture. And this is achieved by the implementation of latest Technologies.  In the competitive world maintaining consistency & reducing time of work is an important key to succeed. Further adaptability sits in the forefront of any success. We can say- Technology drives the world.

                     We took the help of latest technology to solve our problem. So we choose ASP.NET and As We want to put every single document in an interactive mode linking with every department of organization, we choose web-based application in our project. And DOT NET Technology the purpose best.  

The project considers the integration of the following departments like 

1. Administrator
2. Purchase .
3. Production Dept.
4. Manager.
5. C R M Dept.
          The workflow management has been sequenced in such a way in the case of any transaction happening there is no discrepancies and inconsistency in data, which are maintained in the corresponding tables. For the database integrity and consistency constraints have been defined. For the provision of security in the application as far as the accessibility of the application is concerned on the daily basis the users are supposed to provide the valid user ids and passwords and the Manager too for the Administrative tasks.   
Our project will be a web based interactive project giving online transaction     facilities to the various departments.
Hardware Requirements
Development hardware
Processor                     :           Pentium III 800 MHz
Memory size                :           128 MB RAM
Storage                        :           20 GB Hard Disk
                                                1.44 MB - 3.5” Floppy Disk

Software Requirements

Operating System       :           Windows 2k family.
Front-End Tool           : 
Back-End Tool            :           Sql Server 2000