Friday, 28 November 2014



This software allows this department to achieve their target. Preplanning will increase production at a determined period of time, which will bring out well-planned quality production. This software has been developed using Visual Basic.Net as a front end and Ms-Sql Server  as a back end.

This Project may contain the following modules:
1.     Job Order System
2.     Productivity Evaluation
3.     Production Process
        This module contains the following sub-modules:

1. Work order register

Every work in the factory is done against a written order known as “work order “.Information of all such work orders is collected in a register known as “work order register”. After completion of work, entries are made in this register for future references and keeping permanent record.

2. Job Card
This module maintained the details of (After receiving the work order, foreman splits up) the job in different parts according to different operation required on it. The work is assigned to the workers on a card known as job card.

3. Route Card
          This module presents the material used and their progress from machine operation to machine operation. The job specifications are essential for the foreman and others to know exactly the nature of the job to be done.

This module maintain the details of the productivity . Productivity is mainly used to reduce the wastage of resources. The resources may be men, materials, machines ,power, space, time, building etc., It is a comparison between the quantity of goods  and services produced (output) and the quantity of resources used to produce these goods and services(Inputs).

This module contains the following sub-module:
1. General Productivity

This sub-module calculates the ratio between output and input.
2. Labour Productivity

          The productivity of labour can be increased by increasing efficiency of labour and reducing idle time.
a.     In Terms Of Hours
This module calculates the ratio between production in standard hours and actual man hours.
b.     In Terms Of Money
This module evaluates ratio between total cost of output and no of workers.

3. Material Productivity
This sub-module determines the ratio between material cost and number of units produced.
          This productivity can be increased by using minimum material with the help of skilled workers, adequate machine tools and good design of product.

4. Machine Productivity
This sub-module evaluates the ratio between output in standard hours and actual machine hours. That is to know the machine capacity.

This module contains the following sub-modules
1.Item Master specifies the details of the item to be produced.
2.Customer Master may include the details of the customer.
3.Machine detail generates the details of the machines used to produce.
4.Production Detail may contains the details of the production process.
5.Rejection Detail specifies the details of the item to be rejected.

Hardware Configuration

Processor                   -        Pentium iv

Clock Speed              -        900 MHZ

RAM capacity           -        256MB

Hard Disk                 -       40GB

Monitor Type            -       15 Inch Color Monitor

Mouse Type              -        ps/2

Software Configuration
The configuration of the software used for developing this system is
Front End                              -           Visual Basic Dot NET
Back End                              -           MS –SQL Server 2000
Operating System                 -           Windows NT 4.0
Report Tool                           -           Crystal Report

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